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As one of Hollywood's most famous action stars, Jean-Claude Van Damme has had to perform countless daring stunts, but in Volvo Trucks' 

168,330 Views · November 4. 0:59. Volvo Trucks Videos Volvo Trucks - The Epic Split ft. Van Damme (Live Test) 2014-08-22 2013-11-20 2015-10-23 Watch Jean-Claude Van Damme carry out his famous split between two reversing trucks. Never done before, JCVD says it's the most epic of splits -- what do you Jean-Claude Van Damme stars in the latest Volvo Trucks stunt films.

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The Epic Split, med Jean-Claude van Damme, är den stora publikfriaren  Jean-Claude Van Dammes så kallade epic split har fått en uppföljare i Belarus (Vitryssland). Men medan Van Damme gick ner i spagat mellan två nya. Volvo Trucks (ZAZ Trucks) - The Epic Split feat Evgeny Yakush Belarus · Hrodna · Jauhen Jakusj · Jean Claude Van Damme · Vitryssland · Volvo  Kampsportaren Jean Claude van Damme har (väl?) klippet med Jean Claude van Damme i Volvo Trucks-reklamen 55 miljoner klickar och  Dec 27, 2013 - Client: Volvo Trucks Agency: Forsman & Bodenfors Account: Olle Victorin, Cilla Pegelow, Britta Malmberg Art Director: Anders Eklind, Sophia  The world-first split between two reversing Volvo trucks, starring Jean-Claude Van Damme. Watch 'The Epic split' –  Action- Van Damme stands on top of the two lorriesSound- The music begins to fade inTime- 2 seconds (0.01) Action- Van Damme continues to  Jag har ä*** min förrätter och varmrätter Min beskärda del av Rocky road och tung vanilj Det är vad som gjorde mig till den jag är idag Nu står jag här framför er  Working within Volvo Trucks Corporation, Brand, Marketing and Communication as Exhibition Manager. The Epic Split with Jean-Claude Van Damme Vem minns inte Volvo Trucks reklamfilm Epic Split med Jean Claude van Damme? Nu släpper Volvo trucks en ny reklamfilm.

I föregående filmer har Volvo Trucks använt  Den nya volvoreklamen toppas bokstavligen med Volvo Trucks president Roger med Jean-Claude Van Damme skapad av Volvo Lastvagnar och reklambyrån  Det kanske inte blir en lika stor hit som den med van Damme (fast vem vet?) men Volvo Trucks visar återigen att man vet hur man kan få upp känslonivåerna hos  av Volvo lastvagnar.

En av världens mest kända actionstjärnor, Jean-Claude Van Damme, har under sin karriär utfört otaliga vågade stunt men i Volvo Trucks 

What do you think? Related Videos. 1:24.

av byrån ”Forsman & Bodenfors” som även gjort Volvo Trucks reklamfilmer, där den mest kända är Epic Split med Jean-Claude Van Damme.

Volvo trucks van damme

204. Taekwondo Kickboxing Muay Thai Karate Shotokan Full Contact Claude Van Damme How To Do Splits Viral Marketing Marketing Videos. Volvo trucks with Jean Claude Van Damme Seger Marsh Changing gears A new concept In preparation for the 2012 launch of its new European range, Volvo decided to change its method of marketing. Seeing as the world of marketing had changed in the twenty years since it's last major A Like the Volvo Hamster Stunt Video before it, the new Volvo Trucks ‘Van Damme Epic Splits’ stunt video is unbelievably cool, and is going nuts online in the last 48 hours!

Video joke from the russian club of lowriders "Lowfriends." - - from Russia! VAN DAMME on Vimeo. This opens in a new window. VOLVO TRUCKS - THE EPIC SPLIT FEAT.
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This is "Volvo Trucks - The Epic Split feat. Van Damme" by Bacon on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them. Volvo trucks are assembled in 14 countries across the globe. In 2019 approximately 131,000 Volvo trucks were delivered worldwide. Volvo Trucks is part of Volvo Group, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of trucks, buses, construction equipment and marine and industrial engines.

Offices: Gothenburg. 2019-04-30 2013-11-16 2014-06-18 Behind the scenes of JCVD’s epic Volvo split. By now you’ve probably seen Volvo Truck’s ‘The Epic Split’ spot featuring Jean-Claude Van Damme, which has rocketed to more than 51 million views on YouTube alone. The impressive stunt was months in the planning, a collaboration between agency Forsman Bodenfors and Folke Film.
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2013-11-13 · Directed by Andreas Nilsson. With Jean-Claude Van Damme.

Volvo Trucks Teaser: Jean-Claude Van Damme Epic Splits. 12 Nov 2013, 14:04 UTC · by Mihnea Radu.

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Känns som Volvo-reklamen i jämförelse med Hollywoodfilmen är löjligt stor. Volvo Trucks-Van Damme videon kanske kan bli fordonsindustrins motsvarighet till PSY's Gangnam style i antal sedda youtubeklipp! Det är Volvo Trucks president Roger Alm. En bakom kulisserna video Jean-Claude Van Damme gör en episk uppdelning mellan två rörliga  Volvo Lastbilars nya reklamfilm med Van Damme. Volvo lastbilar har på senare tid imponerat med deras reklamfilmer. Senast var det ju  Copy link to Tweet; Embed Tweet. VAN DAMME! Grymt content från Volvo Trucks.


Never done before, JCVD says it's the most epic of splits. Date: November 2013. Tags: Volvo Trucks film digital. Offices: Gothenburg. 2019-04-30 2013-11-16 2014-06-18 Behind the scenes of JCVD’s epic Volvo split. By now you’ve probably seen Volvo Truck’s ‘The Epic Split’ spot featuring Jean-Claude Van Damme, which has rocketed to more than 51 million views on YouTube alone.

#volvotrucks 2013-11-20 · If you haven’t seen the Volvo Trucks commercial featuring actor Jean-Claude Van Damme this past week yet, you’re among the few who has missed it. As of today, the YouTube commercial has already wowed over 36 million viewers (posted online on November 13). Jean-Claude Van Damme Does "Most Epic of Splits" in Gravity-Defying Volvo Commercial—Watch Now! 53-year-old action star has still got it as he holds his own, literally, between two trucks 2013-11-14 · Jean-Claude Van Damme and Volvo Trucks Perform World-First Stunt [14-Nov-2013] As one of Hollywood's most famous action stars, Jean-Claude Van Damme has had to perform countless daring stunts, but Volvo is pretty excited about the dynamic steering system it has put into its new trucks, and it got Jean-Claude Van Damme on board to help it spread the news. Volvo Trucks Teaser: Jean-Claude Van Damme Epic Splits. 12 Nov 2013, 14:04 UTC · by Mihnea Radu. Home > News > U-turn "Because of my big legs and karate, I can do the splits… no problem" Van Currently, Ford Trucks’ Volvo Trucks – The Epic Split feat.